Cò sinn
Tha Sichuan Soring Co., Ltd. suidhichte ann am Pàirc Gnìomhachais Chengmei, Sgìre New Tiafu, Cathair Chengdu. Is e iomairt ceimigeach àrd-theicneòlas a th 'ann a bhith a' leasachadh ann an leasachadh agus a 'dèanamh toradh peant an urra ri teicneòlas àrd is ùr. The company has a group of high-quality scientific research, production and management of professional technical personnel and international leading coating production equipment. And equipped with a complete range of testing instruments and experimental instruments, the annual output of high, medium and low grade paint more than 20,000 tons. With a total investment of 90 million yuan in fixed assets, the company has a wide range of production varieties, a wide range of uses, and a large market demand…